Organizing a Homecoming

The De La Salle Alumni Association (DLSAA) encourages reunions among alumni with common circumstance (classmates/yearmates) or special interest (Lasallian editors, DLSU-Manila Chorale members, Pep Squad members, etc.). Small reunions are normally privately organized. On the other hand, chapter-level reunions, the annual homecoming, and the World Congress are franchises of the DLSAA and, therefore, no one may organize or implement these without formal DLSAA approval.
The Homecoming Manual is intended to provide the organizer of franchised homecomings and reunions with clear objectives, organizational template, implementing procedures, outright how-to tips, and even a checklist and timeline for successful events. It is arranged according to the following sequence:
- First, Homecoming Principles. These constitute the DLSAA-approved definitions, practices, and nomenclature that were either propagated through tradition or decided by the DLSAA Board or both. These also include some historical trivia useful to the user of this manual.
- Second, Before Anything Else. There are three basic items covered in this section: selection and invitation of the Silver Jubilarian Host Class alumni, choice of the homecoming theme and logo, and creation of the Homecoming Council.
- Third, The Homecoming Council Organization Structure. This is the nitty-gritty section that includes the organization and implementing rules that the DLSAA requires. While the Homecoming Council may add other committees, managers, assistants, etc. to the structure, it must always retain the prescribed organization table and its committees and their functions, duties, and responsibilities. The terms of reference for each committee are provided whenever necessary or applicable.
- Fourth, The Wrap-Up. This constitutes the final activities of the Homecoming Council. All unresolved items including division of profits, final and full settlement of accounts, return of borrowed DLSU-Manila and DLSAA properties, Homecoming YYYY documentation, preparation and sending of thank you letters, etc. are settled during this wrap-up phase.
- Fifth, The Timeline and Checklist. The next item after the first three above is implementation. This section provides a punch list or to-do schedule that guides the Homecoming Council from planning to turnover of cash on Homecoming Day.
The entire copy of the Homecoming Manual may be obtained upon the authorization of the DLSAA Vice-President for Homecomings and Reunions. |