DLSU Cheers
From http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/green-guide/cheers.html
In true Lasallian spirit, wear our colors proud and cheer at the top of your lungs to support our teams during games and competitions!
Rektikano, set! 1 2 3
Rektikano! (Rektikano!)
Ready! (Ready!) 1 2 3
Rektikano, keena keena
Rektikano, keena keena
Rektikano, rektikano, rektikano, rah! x 2
La Salle!
La Salle Spelling
La Salle spelling three times Set!
1 2 3 La Salle spelling three times! set! (La Salle spelling three times!)
Ready! (Ready!) 1 2 3 (Uno, dos, tres!)
L – A – S – A – L-L – E
La Salle, rah!
L – A – S – A – L-L – E
La Salle, rah!
L – A – S – A – L-L – E
La Salle, rah!
Bumakaya, set!
1 2 3 Bumakaya! (Bumakaya!)
Ready! (Ready!) 1 2 3
Bumakaya, imakadiwa
Bumakaya, imakadiwa
Bumakaya, imakadiwa
Fight! Team! Fight!
Zama Zipa Zam
Zama Zipa Zam, set!
1 2 3 Zama Zipa Zam! (Zama Zipa Zam!)
Ready! (Ready!) 1 2 3 Zama Zipa Zam!
(Clap: 1, 2, 1-2-3, 1,2, 1-2-3)
(Clap: 1, 2, 1-2-3, 1,2, 1-2-3)
(Clap: 1, 2, 1-2-3, 1,2, 1-2-3)
Win! Team! Win!
Who's To Win This Game
Who’s to win this game, set! 1 2 3
Who’s to win this game? (Green!)
Who’s to win this game? (White!)
Green! (Green!)
White! (White!)
Green, white, fight!
Green, white, white, white!
Go, fight, fight, fight, fight!
Green, white, go, fight!
Green, white, fight!
Green, white, white, white!
Go, fight, fight, fight, fight!
De La Salle! De La Salle!
Fight! Team! Fight!
DLSU Victory Song
Cheer, cheer, for old De La Salle
Wake up the echoes cheering her name
Send her rousing cheers on high
Shake out the thunder from the sky
What though the odds be great or small
Old De La Salle will win over all
White her loyal sons are marching
Onward to victory, rah-rah-rah!
De La Salle Song
Come whatever kind of weather
When the old gangs get together
That’s the time to think of days gone by
Chase your blues and cares away
Let’s be happy, let’s be gay
In our hearts, the song will never die
De La Salle, we’re rooting for you!
De La Salle, O, can’t you see
Every one of us is you
We’ll cheer you on to victory
Rah! Rah!
To the green and to the white
We will pledge our loyalty
And may years add but fame
To that grand old name
De La Salle, De La Salle (twice)
Green Archers Song
(Bugle blast) Rah! Rah! Rah
(Bugle blast) Rah! Rah! Rah
On into the fight, Green Archers
Fight to victory (GREEN! WHITE! FIGHT!)
For La Salle, you valiant marchers (Rah!)
Every fighters be (Rah! Rah! Rah!)
Glory for La Salle Green Archers (Fight!)
Our motto ever be (Green! White! Fight!)
Let your arrows fly true, Archers
‘Till we down the enemy (FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!)
Haydee Three Times
Haydee three times, set! 1 2 3
Haydee three times!
(Haydee three times!)
Ready! (Ready!)
1 2 3
Haydee-kaydee! Kala-wala-waydee!
Hush! Kush! Kala-wala-wush-wush!
Haydee-kaydee! Kala-wala-waydee!
Hush! Kush! Kala-wala-wush-wush!
Haydee-kaydee! Kala-wala-waydee!
Hush! Kush! Kala-wala-wush-wush!
1 2 3!
La Salle!
Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry shortcake, set! 1 2 3
Strawberry shortcake!
(Strawberry shortcake!)
Ready! (Ready!)
1 2 3
Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie
Victory, victory, is our cry!
De La Salle! De La Salle!
Derecho La Salle
1-2, 1-2, 3-4
1-2, 1-2, 3-4
1-2, 1-2, 3-4
1-2, 1-2, 3-4
D 1-2, 1-2, 3-4) CLAP
L 1-2, 1-2, 3-4
S 1-2, 1-2, 3-4
U 1-2, 1-2, 3-4 D-L-S-U!
Yamakadep, set! 1 2 3
Yamakadep! (Yamakadep!)
Ready! (Ready!)
1 2 3
Yamakadep, D!
Yamakadep, L!
Yamakadep, S!
Yamakadep, D-L-S!
Rei, green!
Rei, white!
Rei, green! Rei, white!
Rei, rei, rei-rei-rei!
Rei, rei, rei-rei-rei!
La Salle!
Fight! Team! Fight!
La Salle Fans
La Salle fans, set! 1 2 3
La Salle fans! (La Salle fans!)
Ready! (Ready!)
1 2 3
La Salle fans in the stands, if you hear us,
Clap your hands!
(Clap: 1, 2, 3-4, 1, 2, 3-4, 1)
Now that you’re with the beat, it’s time to
Move your feet!
(Stomp: 1, 2, 3-4, 1, 2, 3-4, 1)
Now that you’re in the groove, it’s time to
See your move!
(Clap and stomp: 1, 2, 3-4, 1, 2, 3-4, 1)
Anchors Aweigh
Anchors aweigh my boys
Anchors aweigh
Farewell to La Salle joys
We sail at break of day day day
Through our last night on shore
Onward we roam
Until we meet once more
Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home
Sail La Salle down the floor
Sail to the sky
We’ll never change our course
So, rival, you steers shy- shy- shy- shy
Roll up the score, La Salle
Anchors aweigh
Sail La Salle down the floor
And sink the rival, sink the rival, hey!
Men of La Salle
Men of La Salle, we are marching
With our colors of green and white
Meeting our foemen with valor
For the glory of old we’ll fight
So let’s go to the battle with courage
For our goal is now in sight
And we’ll hope, fight and sing with all our might so strong
‘Till nobly we have fought and won the fight
Fight on to victory, onward our watchword be
We’re out to win this game with all its honor
For you, La Salle, we’ll always try to conquer
Fight on to victory, let all your courage see
And homeward, we’ll cheer thee as sons of La Salle
So fight on to victory (Twice)
Fighting Song
On to victory
We’re out to win today, here’s why
For the green and white
Green Archers going in to do or die
Win or lose today
We’re gonna try, and try the same old way
And with all our might
We’re gonna fight! Fight! Fight!
On to victory
Onward to L S C
Our college here beside the sea
All together now
We’re going onward, on to victory
Let our arrows fly
And keep them flying, flying to their goal!
And with all our might
We’re gonna fight! Fight! Fight!
On to victory
Onward Green Archers
Onward Green Archers
Onward and fight
Keep up the high score and hang on
For victory’s in sight
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Raise it, Green Archers
Raise and hold ‘em high
Your banner’s proudly waving
With its colors of Green and White
Marching Song
March, march on down the floor
Fighting for La Salle
Break through the other line
Their strength to defy
We’ll give them a long cheer
To our true men
We’re here to win again
La Salle’s team can fight to the end
And we will win
Rah! Rah! Rah!
For The Green
For the green! For the white!
La Salle will fight!
La the white! For the green!
La Salle will win!
With a Ho, Ho, Ho
And a Ha, Ha, Ha
With a Fight, Fight, Fight (pause)
With a Siz Boom Bah
With a Rah Rah Zip
With a Rah Rah Boom
With a Ray De La Salle
With a give ‘er room (pause)
March! March! March on, La Salle
Fight! Fight! Fight on, La Salle
Strike up the band
There’s vict’ry beyond
Vict’ry! Vict’ry! Vict’ry!
Men of La Salle!
La Salle Rally
Rally L pass, pass;
Rally S shoot, shoot;
Rally C goal, goal;
VIC-TO-RY (diminishing)
L-S-C (increasing)
Rally green green green!
Rally white white white!
Rally green! Rally white!
Rally green, white, fight!
La Salle! Fight!
Fight, De La Salle, fight!
Fight, De La Salle, fight!
Fight, De La Salle, fight!
Fight, De La Salle!
Fight, De La Salle!
Fight, De La Salle, fight!
(Followed by Fight, Fight, Green and White)
Fight, Fight, Green and White
Fight, fight, green and white!
Fight, fight, green and white!
Fight, fight, La Salle!
Siz Boom Bah
(Repeat thrice, ending in Team, Team, Team)
Hold ‘Em Tight
Hold ‘em tight! Hold ‘em tight!
Hold ‘em, hold ‘em, hold ‘em tight!
Green White, Green White
Fight, team! Fight! (Thrice)
Shoulder To Shoulder
Shoulder to shoulder
Knee to knee
Fight on, La Salle!
To victory! (Twice)
Animo Cheer
Animo green!
Animo white!
Animo L-S-C will fight!
Animo white!
Animo green!
Animo L-S-C will win!
Yippity, yippity, L-S-C!
Green white, green white, victory!
Yippity, yippity, L-S-C!
Green white, green white, victory!
With an A with an A
With an A R C
With a C with a C
With a C H E
With an R with an R
Archers! Archers!
Fight ‘Em Again
Fight ‘em again! Fight ‘em again!
Fight ‘em HARD! (Thrice)
Team, team, team!