President's Corner

December 24, 2024
Delivered by Prof. Randolph I. Nonato, the President of the De La Salle Alumni Association during the Christmas Eve Eucharistic Celebration at DLSU
August 22, 2024
Our commitment to giving back to our community extends beyond our organization. As we move forward, we’ll continue to strive to make a positive impact on society and uphold the Lasallian values of compassion, service, and excellence.
December 25, 2023
A blessed and amazing CHRISTmas my dear De La Salle Brothers,  loving parents and guardians,
esteemed Faculty, Administrators, and Staff, Lasallian Students, Associates and Partners, distinguished and fellow Lasallites and Lasallian Alumni colleagues!

December 7, 2020

We the Lasallian family will soon be celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. What does this mean to us? This serves as a reminder of what we as Lasallians are destined to do. And that is to carry out the mission of St La Salle. We must continue to live in Service, Faith, and Community.

September 12, 2020
The Formation Committee in partnership with the La Sallian Mission Office of DLSU has crafted a program to envirogate the community on the life and times of our founder, St John Baptist De La Salle. Speakers will come from the Brothers Community. This is scheduled for this October.
July 30, 2020

In the words of St John Baptist de La Salle “You have received talents and graces from God.” The question now is what are we doing specifically about these God-given talents?” Have you found your answers? Or, are you still searching? Have you turned to a mentor to guide you in your journey to find your answers? Question, questions and more questions. It can be stressful, and it can be mind-boggling. And to some extent it can be, sadly, depressing.

July 20, 2020

I am pleased to announce to the community DLSAA’s “baby steps” since the start of president’s term, last June 1, 2020.

July 6, 2020
In this time of COVID-19 many difficult decisions need to be made. One such decision is continued education. Being a parent to 6 Lasallians, all of whom have already graduated, I feel for the parents and guardians, now most especially, for the many sacrifices they have made over the many years to sustain the education of their children. And needless to say their outstanding choice of institution, the DLSU.
June 18, 2020

Your DLSAA in its drive for business continuity is in constant search of milestone events, especially during this time of crisis. Needless to say our regular events such as our annual homecoming, our Brother Ben Golf Cup and our One La Salle Night of Excellence (OLSNOE) are now in question for 2021. The planning will definitely still happen. In this time of Covid-19, we are in prayer with our countrymen that we will overcome the challenges faced today.

June 9, 2020

Allow me this opportunity to share with you how this all started. During my sophomore year from 1971-1972, I so happen to notice in someone’s office in campus, where I no longer can recall, elections for Sophomore President was open. So I took my chance and registered at the last minute. Came election day, I stood outside of the polls only to see potential voters pass by not showing any interest in voting. Fortunately I saw a classmate and literally dragged him into the voting center to vote. And that he did. And so I eventually became the Sophomore class president. With just that one vote, I had a seat in the Student Council.